Our Donors


Malteser International is the worldwide relief agency of the Sovereign Order of Malta. For over 60 years, Malteser International provides relief and recovery during and following conflicts and disasters. It also works alongside vulnerable communities on long-term programs to deliver lasting change. Malteser International brings aid to people regardless of their religion, background, or political convictions at over 100 Projects in more than 20 countries to ensure a life in health and dignity for all.

Malteser International, Germany has been supporting the initiatives of Pro-Vision since 2007. A decade long partnership has enabled Pro-Vision to respond to the emerging needs of the persons living with HIV/AIDS and their family members in Tirunelveli District. The current project on “Protecting the environment and empowering women through their innovative and active involvement in the plastic recycling value chain” – WOMENPRENEURS4PLASTICS is jointly supported by Malteser International and BMZ.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ is responsible for the development policy and cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany. The framework for its actions is provided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Accords. To achieve its goals, it is working bilaterally with other states but also funding private development initiatives. BMZ has funded Pro-Vision through Malteser International at different phases.

Patengemeinschaft “Sponsorship Community for Children in India” was founded in 1965 and completed 57 years of services to the poor families, children and children with cerebral palsy in India. Currently it supports / maintains 28 homes and charitable institutions for around 900 needy Indian children and looks after around the same number of children in around 300 needy families in the southern Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Since April 2016, Pro-Vision works in partnership with Patengemeinshaft and manages the Children Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Centre, at Mylaudy. A vivid combination of Infrastructural Facilities, Financial Assistance and Medical and para-medical support is the uniqueness of the partnership.

Stichting Jeugdwelzijn Zuid India Youth Welfare Foundation South India was founded in 2000 with a firm belief that the donors must start from the people themselves and must not impose their way of thinking. Pro-Vision entered into partnership in 2015 in working with children with disabilities aiming at early identification and interventions. SJZI supports the innovations initiated by Pro-Vision and facilities undertaking need based activities to enhance the quality of life of children particularly children with special needs.

Spil Helpt The Netherlands sees it as a task to empower people so that they can participate independently and fully in society. Their key areas of intervention include diagnosis and treatment at learning, behavioral and developmental problems. With their expertise and vast experiences in working with children with special needs and behavioral problems, associate with Pro-Vision and provide Technical, Material, and Financial support to work with children with special needs and support poor families with children with disabilities.

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